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Every Situation is Different and has a million factors that can change what price makes it worth it, both for me and the client BUT I also hate when websites force you to contact them to get a price! In an effort to save both of us time I'll break down some general numbers below to give you some sort of idea. I'm not here to get Rich, I don't view money that way. Its an exchange of energy and time that allows me to continue with my adventures and overarching goal of homesteading while providing someone else the skills and experience that they need access too. I always feel so grateful that my work allows others to join life on the road or see direct physical changes in there own little corners that they call home.

Van Builds

Individual Installs like Vent Fans or Diesel Heaters: 200-500

Conversion Van partial Builds\ Minivans : 3500-5500

Material cost ~600-1200

Cargo Van full Builds: 5000-10,000

Material Cost ~1500-4000

High top Van Full Builds: 8000-15,000

Material  Cost ~ 7000-12,000


*Again these are very general numbers but hopefully it helps*


This is a hard one to put estimates on but best go at it would  be anywhere from a couple hundred bucks to ~1500 bucks. Really depends how often, each of our flexibility, and What specifically you'd need help on. 

Dialing a Number

Handyman Work

Usually By the job, not hourly

For sake of estimation an Average 50-150 bucks an hour

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