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With Growth Comes Good

My lifelong project to do good. I have a million ideas and the more I grow the more good I'll be able to do. Starting small and building up


Everything starts at the source. Which means we should take an awful lot of time taking care of it. Unfortunetly today's world is so filled with distractions its really easy to forget that. It seems everything is meant to take us off our flows, gain more of our attention, and suck up our energy and when that happens it's easy to feel stuck, you start searching for a way out and in turn, look outwards and think BIG. What can I do? What moves can I make? A side hustle? a new job? Maybe I should move? Make a big purchase? Focus more on my job? Focus less? and all that focus and questioning is really exhausting so you get tired of it and give up until it undoubtedly rears its head again. An endless loop. A vicious cycle. 

When in reality, at least in my belief, we should look inwards and think small. Nothing great started that way, and you can't either. Doing good for yourself is the start of everything. Eating right, exercising, putting time in to find your flows and slowly perfecting them. Cutting out time for yourself, Reading, Writing,  Being creative, actually doing your favorite hobbies. When you set your self on a solid cornerstone, than you can begin to build out, and be confident that  what your building has a strong base than can last, and when needed have the  discipline to come back to your center and recharge yourself.  I'm FAR from perfect at this but the last couple years have made me better and better at it and I want to help, support, and encourage others to do the same, which of course in turn helps me grow too. All those big questions are a part of life and their solutions can and do lead to happiness/contentment but they can't be answered fully until you become strong enough to be your own source and center of energy. I'm still learning, I always will be, and so will you but it's the best place to start.


We're all in this together whether we like it or not, but more importantly we're all doing it at different stages, different paces, and with different support systems. I'm not ignorant to the fact that I'm a white able male In America and as such was gifted quite a headstart the moment my exsistence started on this Earth. And it's not that my life was easy or that I don't work hard, because It wasn't and I do, but my path was never hindered by the color of my skin, how I gender myself, or some disability* that I had no control over. But no matter where one might fall on this spectrum you can garuntee there is countless others below and above you and that the real important thing is to do what you can, at your capacity, to help those who might need it.  For me, it's important to stress the 'at your capacity' part. Life is tough, It can take alot of energy, and it's important to put the facemask over your mouth first before helping others, but what's cool about that is the more you grow, the more you can handle, the greater the capacity you create for yourself, the more good you can do for others and although it happens naturally it can also be great motivation to put the work in for yourself, so that you can get to a place where doing good for others becomes a bit easier. Whether that's just smiling at stranger and saying hello, being there for a freind when they need support, donating or participting in charities, or anything else you can imagine. If we all do what we can in our own little corners of the planet we can create a whole lot of Good and as one big community of humans move our collective stages, paces, and support systems onwards and Upwards!


I say it all the time, that we're all just specks of dust floating on a giant rock, but I never include how freaking cool that rock is,  or how we'd all be nothing without it, or how she provides us with everything we need and has been since the beginning of time, for billions of years being the absolute pinnacle example of ebbing and flowing,  growing through changes,  and creating balance to support all aspects of life.  She is the mother of exsistence and we as humans have done a very poor job, especially in the last 250 years,  of taking care of her properly and providing support. And although most of the greatest hardships she faces comes from giant corporations at the top,  there is still so much we little specs of dust can do for her here at the bottom. Picking up trash that those who lacked understanding left on her,  educating others to grow her ring of support, and supporting systems and non-profits that are taking on the bigger projects and movements already. We only get one Earth,  and we only get so much time on her, let's make sure as we grow with the resources she provides we are working to do good for her in return.

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